
Zelovic Film is the production company of Rogier Kappers and Lidija Zelovic. 

Lidija started making films because of a broken heart. Her need to get her life back urged for expression. Filmmaking was a precarious attempt, a risk that didn't make sense... but it allowed her to keep on dreaming.

Rogier - in his younger years quickly paralyzed by the existential randomness of life - at last got focus when he discovered film. It forced him to make choices, and suited his passionate perfectionism.

In Zelovic Film, we bring together dream and perfection, truthfulness and urge, the personal and the universal. We specialize in personal films, and are always looking for strong, truthful, filmic, and - whenever possible - innovative and humoristic stories. The smaller the story, the wider the world it can reach! 
by 6119d57bc7e394b7f5713a942285d9598a637c7a 21 October 2024
International competition at IDFA 2024 Nominated for 'Best Dutch Documentary  Award'
by 6119d57bc7e394b7f5713a942285d9598a637c7a 27 February 2024
Nomination IDFA award 'Best Dutch Documentary'
by Alexander Goekjian 1 October 2023
(in development) What if the world is coming to an end much faster than we think? El Moro tells the story of a middle-class man from Madrid who is afraid of climate change. He comes to a remote village in Andalusia, and undergoes a spiritual awakening through his encounter with its only inhabitant, a beekeeper.
by 6119d57bc7e394b7f5713a942285d9598a637c7a 1 May 2018
Award winning film about war and reconciliation by Lidija Zelovic
by 6119d57bc7e394b7f5713a942285d9598a637c7a 1 March 2014
Uniek portret van een land in oorlog door de ogen van de jonge Marokkaanse fotojournalist Yassine El Idrissi. Hij volgde de Syrische opstand al via de sociale media, maar hij wil meer: hij wil weten èn ervaren waar het om gaat in deze oorlog. Van welke toekomst dromen de strijders en inwoners? Yassine is geen objectieve toeschouwer; als jonge Arabier en moslim wil hij graag een rol spelen in deze belangrijke fase in de Arabische geschiedenis. Wanneer hij op Facebook vrienden wordt met de Syrische Ilyas, besluit hij vanuit het veilige Amsterdam naar Syrië te reizen om te kijken wat hij kan bijdragen. Via Ilyas, leert Yassine de strijders en inwoners van de stad Saraqib kennen. Yassine ziet de hoop vervliegen en verdeeldheid en chaos ontstaan. Met dit intense portret van Yassine's Facebook- en YouTubevrienden, krijgen de bewoners van Syrië een gezicht. Regie: Yassine El Idrissi
by 6119d57bc7e394b7f5713a942285d9598a637c7a 7 January 2014

When filmmaker Tatjana Božićhas for the umpteenth time found the love of her life and again things threaten to go terribly wrong, she decides that she should turn over a new leaf. This relationship must succeed! Tatyana visits five exes in Moscow, Hamburg, London and Zagreb to find an answer to the question why all her love affairs always end on the rocks. With a good dose of self-mockery, but also with deeply felt passion, she unravels her past relationships and she confronts her (ex-)men and herself with the complexities of contemporary loving. The documentary is a confrontational, emotional, but at the same time humorous film, easily recognizable to everyone of us, in which the filmmaker staunchly keeps searching for the holy grail of love: the Happily Ever After!

Happily Ever After premiered at the International Rotterdam Film Festival and was selected for the competition of the Tiger Awards! Cineart distributes the film in the Benelux and Restart in former Yugoslavia.

Director: Tatjana Bozic
Length: 83 minutes
Photography: Ton Peters
Broadcaster: IKON
Coproduction: Wit Film / Zelovic Film / Factum
Distribution: Cine-art
Financed by: Netherlands Film Fund, Dutch Cultural Media Fund, CoBO, HAVC and IKON

IFFR, 2014 – Nomination Tiger Award 2014
Sarajevo Film Festival, 2014 – Special Jury Mention
Liburnia Film Festival, 2014 – Best editing and Best directing
Netherlands Film Festival, 2014 – Best editing
LET’S CEE Film Festival, 2014 – Special Jury Mention

Netherlands Film Festival, 2014 – Best documentary

The Netherlands – International Film Festival Rotterdam, 2014
Croatia – ZagrebDOX, 2014
Luxemburg – Luxembourg City Film Festival, 2014
Macedonia – MakeDox, 2014
Germany – FilmFest Munich, 2014
Bosnia and Herzegovina – Sarajevo Film Festival, 2014
Croatia – Liburnia Film Festival, 2014
Italy – Milano Film Festival, 2014
The Netherlands – Dutch Film Festival, 2014
Austria – LET’S CEE Film Festival, 2014
Croatia – Dokuart, 2014
Serbia – Freezone film festival, 2014
The Netherlands – Eastern Neighbours Film Festival, 2014
Italy – 36th Women and Cinema International Film Festival, 2014
Italy – Florence Film Festival Cinema and Women, 2014
India – 19th International Film Festival of Kerala, 2014
Russia – Art Doc Fest, 2014
Belgium – 31th Mons International Love Film Festival, 2015
Estonia – 12th World Film Festival, 2015
Czech Republic – One World International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival, 2015
Poland – Planete+ Doc Film Festival, 2015
Turkey – 18th Flying Broom International Women’s Film Festival, 2015
Estonia – Pärnu International Film Festival, 2015
Poland – New Horizons IFF, 2015
Romania – Astra Film Festival, 2015


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